Europe & Trusted Web, Making Progress!
For a Trusted Web to emerge, a collaboration between all stakeholders on the internet is needed. For this reason, we as Trusted Web Foundation engage in every conversation that’s relevant. Here we highlight two of the conversations we engage in this quarter: Media 4 Europe and EU’s roundtable on blockchain standardization: Future Internet, Media and Big data.
Trusted Web Keynote at the Media 4 Europe Summit
Date: March 3rd, 2021
As a proud member of WAN-IFRA (who represents 18.000 professionals in publishing), we’re invited to deliver a keynote on tech for trust in the newsroom, and how we see a Trusted Web as the natural next step after GDPR.
Here you’ll find our keynote:
Other speakers at the event were:
- Lina Timm, the CEO of Media Lab Bayern
- Trees De Bruyne, Startup Coordinator at VRT Sandbox
- Andreas Marckmann Andreassen, Digital Editor and Head of News at the Danish magazine Journalisten
- Agnes Stenbom, Responsible Data and AI Specialist at Schibsted
- Denis Teyssou, Editorial Manager at AFP Medialab
WAN-IFRA excellently wrote down some key-takeaways:
EU’s Blockchain Standardization: Future Internet, Media, and Big data
Date: February 3rd, 2021
Together with Fiona Delaney, CEO at Origin Chain, I presented our ISO blockchain use-cases as developed and finetuned over the last year, part of ISO TC 307 WG6.

“Only through standardization, we can truly tackle the issues the internet faces today.”
Sebastiaan van der Lans, Chairman Trusted Web Foundation

Although this roundtable was a closed event, here you’ll download the slidedeck as used in our contribution to the roundtable.
We’re grateful for having an important seat at the tables that matter.